Mai Tai Ask?
Mai Tai Ask? is a bold creamy orange creme that leans a hint to the coral side.
Color: I'm not typically an orange person, but I do really love those creamy oranges though. This is a great orange color, it's not neon, but it's bold and vibrant.
Formula: The formula of this and I will go ahead and say the others in this collection too, left a lot to be desired. I'm trying to remember if it's Revlon in general who has a formula like this or if it's just these? The formula was very much on the thin side. I prefer a thinner polish formula, but this was too thin to the point it was very hard to control and would pool up in my cuticles. I was so frustrated at the application of this I almost gave up on swatching it. Not good.
Overall: Beautiful pigmented color, but a pain in the behind formula. :-/
My Rating: 2.5 out of 5 paint splatters
I honestly don't remember how much I paid for this,but I think it was probably around $5.00.
Happy Tuesday!