Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Imperfectly Painted Turns 3!!!

Three years ago today, I started Imperfectly Painted. I had no idea what I was doing. I had never been able to (still not)  keep any type of journal EVER. I never thought I'd still be blogging 3 years from now. In fact, I don't think I've ever gone more than 3 days without a post on this blog. There are times I stop and think to myself "I wonder if I'll still be blogging a year from now"? A year goes by after that thought and I'm still here. I know there may come a time in my life where my blog may not be what is now, but I do not see that in the foreseeable future at all. I absolutely love blogging. I love sharing with you my pretty polish, goofy stories, geeky self, and even the my more personal challenging stories.

In my first ever blog post I wrote the following that you could expect from my blog:

"-Sense of Humor (I know it's just nail polish, but I find some of my experiences with it to be rather humorous.)
-Affordable products ( Thanks to the blogger Nouveau Cheap I have discovered the beauty and wonders of drugstore products so I will not review/mention nail products over $10.)
-Tips,tricks, and ideas (Share different ideas for layering nail polishes, holiday nail ideas, and etc.)
-Reviews (I will do reviews of newer products I find. Now, I can't get my hands on full collections or every new collection, but I try to sample a few new products I can find in stores.
 -Reader involvement (I want my readers to have a place in my blog. I will read comments and reply to them. If I find some comment interesting or relevant to something I want to blog about I will incorporate your comments,ideas, suggestions into the blog
 -Favorites/Not so favorites
-Future giveaways
-Miscellaneous (I may bring up some non-nail related products or information I may think everyone may find useful.)"

I can honestly say I feel I have accomplished almost all of these. Tips,tricks, and ideas--not so much, but that's OK! I'm really proud of what I've achieved with my blog, and what I'm even more proud of is I've remained true to myself this entire time. I've certainly improved and grown, but I feel the essence of why I started this blog and the foundation of it remains the same. One of the best things from this blog I've gained is all of you. I'm so thrilled with  all the genuine connections I've made with my readers. The cool part about this is hasn't all been about nail polish. Many of you, I've connected with through sharing my insecurities and challenges not only as a blogger but throughout life. That to me is so rewarding. I really appreciate all of your kindness and support through my blogging adventures. I hope there are many more years to come!

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate all of you!

P.S. I will have a giveaway for you guys probably sometime in late May. I'm in the process of packing for a move in less than 5 weeks, so money is tight now and I'm surrounded by boxes!!!

Much love and polish!