*When I'm talking about indies for this topic, I'm referring to the handmade indie nail polish.
Let's talk about indie nail polish again. I think it's been almost a year since we discussed this topic last. I think it's pretty clear in the past year that indies are here to stay. There are countless indie brands now, and there is definitely something for everyone!
My Current Thoughts: I currently own around 120 handmade indie nail polishes. I still love indies. I will say that now personally, I find mainstream brands stepping up their game. Last year, I almost ditched mainstream brands all together and favored indies, but I think I'm purchasing a bit more mainstream now. I've become pickier with indies. There is so much out there now, that it takes a really creative polish, finish, and color combination for me to get interested. I'm sure it is that way for many. One good thing I noticed is outside a handful of select brands (ughh Lacquer Lust and Ninja Polish!!!!), it is easier to get indies these days. The brands I most frequent seem to have a good stock of polish, where I don't feel a need to sit by the computer and stalk to the store to make sure I get a bottle! There are also etailers now that sell many indie brands. All in all I'm still an indie fan!
My Favorite Indies:
Girly Bits
Sea Lore *
Sindie Pop Lacquer *
Maya Cosmetics *
*- Indicates brands that do not get as much buzz as some popular indies that I think are amazing and should get a lot of buzz
These are my favorites because I've had the most experience with them, they have consistently good products, and they're really creative! There are of course, many other great indies out there, so my list is not the end all of things. I just have not had much experience with them or have not tried them. I really think if you love indies and have not tried Sea Lore, Sindie Pop Lacquer, or Maya Cosmetics you should check them out. I've always been really impressed with the formulas, creative colors, and fun collections with these brands!
What are your current thoughts on indies? Love them? Not your thing?
What are your favorite indie brands?
Happy Tuesday!