Monday, August 13, 2012

Essie Stroke of Brilliance

I must thank Klout and Essie for helping my nail stash grow. I think I've had around 4 Essie Klout perks in the past few months. That's 4 Essie polishes for free. Woo hoo! This next polish is new addition to their LuxeEffects line.

Stroke of Brilliance over OPI I Have a Herring Problem

Stroke of Brilliance is a mixture varying sizes of steel blue hex glitters in a clear base.

This is an unusual glitter color. You do not see gray-blue metallic glitters often. I really love it, and I hope they add more colors to this line. The formula on this was great. It was easy to apply, and you won't be fishing for any glitters. I approve!

Happy Monday!