Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Talk It Out Tuesday: Blogger Confessions

"These are my confessions..." lala I can't help but think of that Usher song.

I think the title here is self explainatory. These are the things I do as a blogger that may not be what you expect.  Let's do this as a list shall we....

  • The way I swatch colors on my nails vs. how I actually do my nails is very different. I try to be very precise while swatching. When I just paint my nails I try to be careful, but not as careful. If I took a picture of my actual manicure vs. swatch it would probably disappoint you.
  •  I don't do clean up. Honestly, I just don't care. This is when I'm not swatching. My manicures I wear out, I rely on the shower to clean up any mistakes. It works! :P
  • Swatching takes FOREVER. I spent 7 hours swatching one day.
  •  My camera is not great even in macro setting. It will take me 15-30 pictures of one swatch just to get a good picture. This is very frustrating!
  • I use one of those acetone scrub tubs to remove polish. I'm sure this is blasphemy, but it's quick. 
  • I have about every glitter version of DL "Happy Birthday" ever made. I can't get enough of confetti rainbow glitter. The problem is I haven't worn any of them.
  • Sometimes I feel insecure about my blog. I see people with amazing photos, who get lots of PR stuff, or  who have massive expensive giveaways, and it makes me feel inadequate. It's not that I want to do and be all of  those things, it just makes me worry that people expect certain things from me that I can't and do not want to offer.  
  • There are also times I can put the blinders on. I do not even compare myself with other bloggers. I'm different. I offer something unique, and I'm proud of that.  I wish I could be like this all the time!
  •  I feel guilty if I do not blog for a day or two. 
  • I'm too shy to mention my blog in the real world. 
  • I have more people who are interested in me through the blog-o-sphere than in real life. Case in point, if I update my status on my personal facebook account I get ZERO response. If I update my status on my blog facebook I get a response. This makes me feel really bad sometimes. 
  • I actually really do like the color green. It just doesn't look great on my nails. 
  • I wish I was more patient to try nail art, but honestly I can't be bothered. :P
  • I feel like an idiot for spending $35 on HTF China No Way Jose. I love the color, but $35 is a ridiculous amount of money for nail polish!
  • I do all my swatching on my coffee table. I live in a 1 bedroom apartment. This is really the only place I can do my nails. I wish I had more space so I could have proper area to do my nails. 
  • The polish I have on my blog one day is very rarely the polish I'm wearing that day. I swatch weeks ahead of time and have a folder full of hundreds of swatches to choose from.
  • I used to change my nails every 2-3 days, now I only have time to change them every 5-7 days. I miss being able to do my nails more often.
  • Nail thinner is my best friend. I use that stuff all the time!

I'm sure I can could come up with more,  but these were things that popped in my head. 

What are your blogger/nail polish confessions?

Happy Tuesday!