Well, sometimes polishes are not what we think or want them to be. This color is from the fall OPI Touring America collection. This color is ugly, and I hate it.
A Color To Diner For
A Color To Diner For is a dried blood red with nasty fuchsia/pink shimmer that looks like bits of scabs in it.
Sorry, lets try this again...
A Color to Diner for is a dusty red with fuchsia/pink shimmer.
I should mention this is just my opinion. I really despise this color. I hate it with a passion. What's funny is I'm a red girl. I love red polishes, but this is just downright hideous to me. I think it maybe my skin tone. I don't know this just looks like dried up blood with sparkles in it. It looks sickly and gross. The shimmer in it makes it even uglier. I hate it. Can you tell? I'm sure there are some people who love this color, and it looks great on them. I really do not mean any offense. I just really hate this. I know I've said that enough.
Happy Wednesday......-blech-