Essie Angora Cardi
Angora Cardi is a dusty plum/mauve creme.
Very simple, but very beautiful. I think this is a very sophisticated and chic color. I think this would be flattering on all skin tones. This is one of those shades I could wear for an extended amount of time. It's just suitable for anything really. I hope that makes sense. Plus, the formula of this was amazing. This could be a one coater if you wanted it to be, but I feel better doing 2 coats. It's just like butta!
I actually got this one at Walmart. They had a full display of Essie colors. It was the first time I've seen such an extensive selection of Essie. The price was $7.75 which is what 25 cents less than the original price? This is a brand that is high for me, but it was nice to try some out since they were so convenient.
Happy Sunday!

P.S. Make sure to check out my new poll!